Another Clean BMB
Hi everyone,
Well, it's been some time since I've blogged. I did try earlier this week and this am, and both times the blog was down for maintenance...go figure...just my luck. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that the last bone marrow biopsy that Bob had done also showed that's the 2nd leukemia-free BMB. Dr. L's office called last Wed. and said could we come down tomorrow, meaning last Thursday. No reason was given, but we had trouble obtaining Bobs' labs last week...never got Mondays results after numerous phone calls which was of course our imaginations kicked into overdrive, thinking the blood work showed something negative. Thankfully we were wrong and Dr. Luger just wanted to see Bob since it had been about 2 weeks. What you all don't know is that the next phase of treatment for Bob is a mini stem cell transplant. Dr. L. discussed it briefly with us, but we never wrote about it so we could speak to Bob's family first. His brother Bill and sister Santa have had blood tests drawn to see if they can provide a match for the stem cells, but we won't have the results for about 2 weeks yet. There's a 25% chance of a sibling match. If they don't, than the national bone marrow registry will be used. I don't want to get into all the details of the procedure right now, but it of course carries risks, the greatest of which is rejection. So, in the coming weeks I will be asking for those stepped up prayers again...though as i've written before, I know you are all still remembering Bob in your prayers, even if the current situation is stable.
And, once again, our dearest friend Debbie, in her own words..."will have to blaze the trail", as she will be admitted for her mini- stem cell transplant(heretofore known as sct) on Aug 2. So, please keep Deb in your prayers also, and if anyone wants to follow along on her blog, and send her well-wishes, it is called....debbiesjourney2recovery...and you can find it by going to the "search this blog" box at the top of this page, and typing that in. This hospitalization is going to be another long one...6-8 weeks, and I know she will appreciate any get-well blogs and wishes.
On a lighter note, Bobs' counts are coming back up, and he's doing better w/ the neck pain since he's staying on the meds for that. We've started going out to dinner and to run little errands more often, so life is getting a little more predictable and "normal". My niece Kate has been staying w/ us for a few days each week, and she always brightens things up...not to mention that I put the kid to work when she's here!!! But she's always willing to lend a hand, and her and Bob get along famously. On a sadder note, "my Meggie" is moving back to West Chester this weekend. She is going back to school for education, and will be working as a teachers asst. I hate to think of her not being close...especially when Bob goes back to HUP. I will miss her sorely!
So, that's all the news for now. Actually i could write a lot more, but I don't want to tax MDF too much. Ha! as she would say. So please stay in touch. Bob got lots of belly laughs from that last set of blogs...especially Cozzs' Nonas' wisdom. We thank you for all you love and support, and send our love in return...Bob and Mo