Dr. Bobs Adventure

We've created this blog for several reasons. First is to keep family and friends(including Bobs' pts.)informed of Bobs' condition while he undergoes treatment for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia(AML) at HUP. You may also write to Bob by posting a comment, which I'll print for him to read. Please feel free to pass this blog site on to anyone you think may want to join us.Instructions to blog are listed under day 12, and bobs' address etc are under day 14. Click on April Archives to find both.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year, 2010

Dear family and friends,

I have no idea if anyone is out there anymore, but I wanted to say hi and put up a pic of Bob and our great-nephew Matthew Thomas. I'm on Facebook under Maureen Noon Mazzola, which I guess is why I stopped blogging. So if anyones on fb, please look me up.

In the meantime, Bob is doing swell. He had a check-up at HUP last Friday and passed w/ flying colors. He's very thin(as you can see) and he still battles daily w/ the chronic side-effects from the transplant, but overall we are blessed that he is here.

Um, I'm thinking I'm going to copy and paste our Xmas letter to catch you all up as it contains everything I'm going over here.....well, I couldn't get that to work. And I've got to get myself off to bed.....I'm babysitting in am for our great-niece Maggie who is 6 mos. old.
I'll try again but look for us on fb if you're on it. And as always, thank you for all your love and support over the years.
All our love,
Bob and Mo