Dr. Bobs Adventure

We've created this blog for several reasons. First is to keep family and friends(including Bobs' pts.)informed of Bobs' condition while he undergoes treatment for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia(AML) at HUP. You may also write to Bob by posting a comment, which I'll print for him to read. Please feel free to pass this blog site on to anyone you think may want to join us.Instructions to blog are listed under day 12, and bobs' address etc are under day 14. Click on April Archives to find both.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Day 31 Admission Day 11 HiDAC

Hi everyone,

Gonna try and catch you all up to speed. I ended up taking the train down w/ our friends Lee and Yvonne today. I was thankful for the company, since I never took the train past the gallery before. It proved to be so much easier than driving. I wish I'd started doing it weeks ago. But at least I know now. If anyone is interested I took the R5 to Market-East, and than the R1 to University City. Didn't even have to go far to a different platform, really just turned around after getting off the R5 and we were directly in front of the R1 stop.(reading this over, I sound like such a hick...if we lived in Boston, I'd know my way around and inside out,but I don't know Philly at all.)

So, Bob had a decent day. He looks wan and tired, but really enjoyed seeing L & Y, and especially enjoyed the kugel that Yvonne made just for him. Alright, I had a sample too...well, he can't eat all that. It was delish.
Bobs' counts came up nicely today after the blood yesterday. Oh and while I'm on that subject, Ann M., the staff says anytime you can donate blood, it's needed. The nurse I spoke with wasn't sure about donating it directly in someones' name, but I'll look into that further. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, Red Cross must have a website. I'll check that out. Anybody out there know any details on this, or of any blood drives in the area? Let us know okay?

So, Bobs' hgb was up, but the last chest x-ray(CXR) showed a spotty area in the left lung. Maybe fluid, maybe pneumonia. At any rate he went for a CT scan of his chest this afternoon, so more on that as we get it. But, he's not SOB and his oxygen saturation is high(a good thing), so he's stable as far as that goes. Today his temp only went as high as 100.4, so maybe the fevers are going to take a hike. He continues to lose his water weight and the ruddiness caused by the steroids, so he's not looking like jolly St. Nick anymore. Oh, and horror of horrors...his mustache hairs are falling out. This is something we are going to try to milk...pay a dollar, see the mole.(I'm not explaining that. It's a joke from weeks back). His appetite is back and all is well in the GI regions again. His eyes are the biggest source of discomfort and frustration now, as they are tearing constantly and he can't read. But he's watching DVDs and listening to CDs, so thank heaven for modern technology.

Now, Mary Day, the Penn relays are this big ,huge deal in track and field. High schools and colleges from all over the country take part. I saw buses today from N.Carolina, Va. and Indiana, and that was at 7pm. And it's at Franklin Field, which is U of P's outdoor stadium. So it's chaos there, which is why we are taking the train. Also Bob said to tell you...yes, that is the type of book he likes, and the women are the heroes(heroines?) and of strong character.

Bill, the author is George R. R. Martin, and the first book is called A Game of Thrones. Can't think of the names of 2 and 3, but I'll get it for you. I would certainly appreciate you doing that, dear. And Anne, what is with your dog??? How, exactly, do you know she has a sprained knee? Is she limping? Does she need some of Bobs' "roids"???

And Kimmy, I kept forgetting to tell you that Bob received a card from a Sr. Antoinette Marie, who said she is a friend of Gerrys', and she and her Mercy sisters are praying for Bob. So please thank your Dad for that.

Sam, Bob just says no to Playboy. And what do you mean you don't pray? You play the guitar and sing at Mass. That, in my mind is a very powerful form of praying.

Now, dear BarBRA, thank you for the support. I have to tell everyone that yesterday was just an off day for me. Things just seemed to get overwhelming, and I was whining to a friend, who subsequently blogged as Barbra Streisand. I swear it wasn't me...this didn't even occur to me until my niece Megan said she thought I was Barbra. Anyway, I wanted to say that I know you are all praying for us and thinking of us even when you don't write, and I know that's what is important. I just had a bad day.

Soooo...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for the blogs and cards and calls. And as always, please remember us in your prayers, as well as our friend Deb, who also may have some pneumonia or other lung problem going on.

All our love and thanks,
Bob and Mo

P.S. To Candy and Aunt Millie, we received the package of goodies. I'll take it down w/ me tomorrow. Thanks, Bob's really into cookies and milk at night down there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Honey-Bunny,

I'm up early and thought I'd write and tell you that I just successfully changed the black ink cartridge on the printer. Aren't you proud of me?? Geez Louise, it couldn't have been any easier. Hope you had a good night. I love you and I'll see you soon, Mo

April 29, 2006 7:22 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Greetings Dr Bob and Ms. Mo-

Glad to hear that you are back in the blogging saddle again, Mo. (Glad you took a little break, too)

Hope this finds you doing better today, Bob. You really have been a brick throughout this and we pray that you will be feeling better and back home ASAP.

That is a bummer about not being able to read because of your eye situation, I'm sure you've tried books on tape/cd. If not - I'd love to recommend them to you. I like having the physical satisfaction of curling up with a nice big, hardback book in my hands, but let me tell you books on tape/cd are the next best thing. You might want to give one of them a try in the interim?

Mo, glad to hear your trip via train went smooth. Do you think you will be abandoning the dreaded Schuykill in favor of the train from here on out? Oh, and congrats on the printer cartridge. How funny that it ended up being easier than you thought - now that's something that doesn't happen every day, eh?

Well, the yard work is calling my name. Guess I better get busy. God Bless you both. Prayers up!


April 29, 2006 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Mazzolas,
At a girl Mo, a computer whiz and now a Philly train expert. I too take the train into town when meeting Bill, I absolutely love it. I am not a big fan of I95 so it is the way to go.
A no brainer as far as the dog Mo, limping really bad. As to the diagnosis, yep had to run her to the vet ( not literally as you can imagine). He manipulated her hind right leg and came up with a sprain of her knee joint. As to Bob's "roids" well she already has her own, not kidding. She will be on them for about two weeks. As Dana is all black do you think underneath she'll get that ruddy rosy look ????
Bill is finally really making progress. I only hear his "barking" now once in a rare while. Keep your fingers crossed, maybe we can get to fianlly see you guys next week. Yes we will pay the entrance fee to see the mole. Bob without his mustache, just can't get a visual of that.
Hope you guys have a great day and just for the day all my good vibes will go for Bob's eyes clearing up. Think good thoughts and know you both are loved.

April 29, 2006 10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mo and Bob,
Glad to hear that you've been holding steady in my absence.(Guilty as charged Barbra).
Mo-you finally had a bad day???
Thought of the song they send the voted off contestants with on American Idol..."Had a Bad Day".

Anyway, why is it that as the school year is winding down, they start to pile on the homework, projects, field trips, etc.?? Everyone knows that without the Moms, this crap would not get done!!

Lost my first doubles match yesterday with my new partner. One of our opponents got a bloody nose after blowing it too hard on a changeover. Then got another one after falling and smacking herself in the face with her racket??? It was a bit distracting to say the least! (No excuses).
I'll let Dad know that you got a card from Sr. Antoinette Marie. He is very close to her, and went to see her after learning of your dx.

You know that you are both in my daily thoughts and prayers even when I am "among the missing".
Keep hanging tough you two.

Love, Kim

April 29, 2006 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob,I just visited Paul Malack in the hospital,and we told him about you being as a patient in the hospital also. He, of course was sorry and wished you well as we all do. His lungs are in bad shape as you know. They are waiting for the results ,and when we get them I'LL be sure you to let you know. Mo does a great job of keeping all of your friends in touch. Also Jim & ann folkes are doing pretty well but Ann has no apatite and has los t some weight Keep up the good fight with the platoon of friends behind you love joe & stella

April 29, 2006 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Driving just isn't fun anymore, I agree. That is why we always take the train to New York and well Sam takes the train to town everyday. I just didn't know it was so easy from your home to the hospital. I dont remember the last time i saw Bob without the mustache, can't wait. I think symptoms are fading as slowly as Bill's. I really thought I would be ok this weekend but that didn't happen and I want to be 100%. hope you can relax on the train Mo and take care both of you. Luv ya.

April 29, 2006 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Mazz, and Mo,, glad the fever is holding steady.. sorry about the teary eyes..how are your lungs.. and mo.. do you have a digital camera?? it might be time to slowly take pics of the notorious mustache!!bet he looks alot younger without it! Doesn't Cindy Crawford also have a mole strategically placed in the same area..
And Kim.. sounds like your tennis opponent might have had something beside gatorade to drink! aren't those some of the warning signals??(falling down, hitting self in face.. popping blood vessels in the nostrils)
well, need to get GP and Mark to church for the 5pm mass..i'll check on you later.. mdf hope your sat. evening is okay..

April 29, 2006 7:43 PM  

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