Settling in...still!
Good morning everyone,
Just going to write to say Bob's adjusting well. There have been glitches and a great deal more patience is required here as call lights and inquiries are not attended to like in the hospital...something neither Bob or I are accustomed to. We will deal with that. So far, medically everything is fine. And Bob seems stronger each new time I see him. Like he told Dr. Sag yesterday, " I want to get stronger and get home, and this is one step closer". So take that leukemia and lung cancer and gvhd!!!! I have to repeat...this man is amazing! I think I would've given in long ago.
Things are steady on the homefront. Megan came over yesterday with Matthew and Maggie....I couldn't stop hugging and kissing them cuz I've been going thru withdrawal....and we made a gingerbread house with Nana Noon. Megan generously offered to let it stay here despite Maggies vociferous protests, since as she put it,"it will probably be Reenie's only Xmas decoration". Ha, that's probly gonna turn out to be true, unless the elves and fairies come put up our tree!! Thanks to the 3 M's and Charlie M for visiting Bob yesterday too. If anyone wants to visit, please feel free. I'm going back to work tomorrow and company would me much appreciated for Bob. His phone number is 267-663-5654.
St. Mary Manor
Rm 413A St. Catherine's Wing
701 Lansdale Ave.
Lansdale, Pa. 19446
Thank you again for all the positive support, love and prayers you continue to share with us. You are all amazing!
All our love,
Bob and Mo
Love you stay strong will visit will help you tell them I. Said hi...and that they're slave drivers :-) take care XOXO
Great to hear good news. Does Bob like butternut squash soup i will bring some over next week. In cape may this week. If you show me where the tree and decorations are i will take care of the tree. Might take a few days.
These must be from Bev and Jean I'm guessing??? If so, YAY Bev!! You are blogging and I will be sure to pass your message along. Jean, Bob loves all soups and butternut squash is a favorite! Don't worry about my tree. I actually have a day or 2 off this week and I'm going to try and get some holiday cheer going!! Enjoy Cape May. Thanks for writing. xo, Mo
glad he is setling lets get them going to work on making him stronger so he can go home where he belongs!!
Ok. I'll make soup after i am home. This has been my weekly for the past few weeks.
Hi can't remember what I did to blog
This is so confusing...I'm on my smart of us is not so smart ..want to see Bob Wed or Thursday what does he want ..noone picks up the room phone so I can't talk to him in person ..praying XOXO..Bev
Bev, you're cracking me up
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