Dear friends and family, I apologize once again for not blogging. I got called out twice today by 2 different people,so mea culpa! So, Bob came home yesterday and is doing very well.Really ate a good dinner,loved sleeping in his own bed and is now clean shaven. He's been napping gor a while now, in fact I need to wake him up so he'll be able to sleep tonight.He went on the computer earlier but it crashed, so I was able to download books for his kindle on my kindle. Anyway, we are b9th thrilled that he's home. We had a stair lift put in this week, which really enabled him to come home, otherwise we would've needed a hospital bed downstairs. I just wanted to say some thank yous and then I have to go...to all Bobs partners at LMG and their wives, for all the visits and gifts ...you guys and gals are the greatest!! To my pals Bev and Jean for visiting and cooking! To my family and Bob's family who have supported us for, lo these 9 years now, we never would've made it w/o you ...literally! And we will never be able to repay all you've done for us.And to all our friends in cyberspace, mostly on FB, we can never show how grateful we are for your caring enough to send your words of encouragement and your prayers.We wish each and every one of you and yours a Blessed and Happy Christmas! All our love, Bob and Mo P.S. To Cliff, thanks for giving me the title of this post!! :)