Dr. Bobs Adventure

We've created this blog for several reasons. First is to keep family and friends(including Bobs' pts.)informed of Bobs' condition while he undergoes treatment for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia(AML) at HUP. You may also write to Bob by posting a comment, which I'll print for him to read. Please feel free to pass this blog site on to anyone you think may want to join us.Instructions to blog are listed under day 12, and bobs' address etc are under day 14. Click on April Archives to find both.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Directions to Bonnies

Hello again,

Well, after thinking about it, I decided it wasn't prudent to post directions to Bonnies house. I've sent out an e-mail to everyone that I signed up through e-mail, and it includes directions, phone numbers etc. So if anyone wants to come whose not signed up, just call or e-mail me, and I'll give you the info that way.
We've still got openings b/c the ARC is giving us an extra hour to fit everyone in, so we're actually going from 10:30a to 5:30p on Saturday. So if you want to bring along another donor with you, we're told they never turn anyone away, plus like I said before, some people will be turned down for various reasons, and their time will need to be filled.
Now, Bob had a tough biopsy today....during this procedure the dr. aspirates blood and bone spicules thru a syringe, but they also take a sliver of bone, called the core sample. Well, the dr. asked Bob if he's been eating a lot of dairy b/c he had a really hard time getting the core, and in fact never did get it, despite several tries......BIG OUCH! So we're hoping the blood and spicules will be enough for Dr. Luger to examine, and that Bob won't need to go thru that again. Otherwise he's been resting(w/ an ice pack on his fanny) since we got home and is in fact sleeping right now. He begins his 5th round of chemo on Monday and we're scheduled to see Dr. Luger on the 13th.....Friday the 13th, that is. I really didn't want that date when Bob made the appt., being my superstitious Irish self, but he just rolled his eyes at me. (Some things never change)

So requests going out for extra fervent prayers for a clean bone marrow, so we can get this guy in the hospital and get him some new stem cells. I'll write when we hear something, which I'm thinking won't be til next week.

Oh, and my Dads' pneumonia is better, but now he's on the rehab floor b/c he got so weak when he was in this past week. Don't expect him to be d/c'd til next week either. And a big thank you to my brother Tom who has been in Scranton for a week, as it just wasn't possible for me to get up there. It has been so frustrating trying to get a handle on things from down here.......but that's a whole other blog.

Well, that's all for now. Thank you to everyone(a million times) who are giving blood, and thanks as usual for all the love and support you share w/ Bob and I through this "adventure".

All our love,
Bob and Mo


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say that I will be back later today w/ details and directions to Bonnies home. Leaving in a few minutes for Bobs' bone marrow biopsy. If anyone's reading this please say a quick prayer for a smooth procedure and positive results. Thanks.
Be back soon, Mo

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Hi folks,
Just wanted to let you all know that we still have openings available if anybody out there is considering sharing their blood....we don't want a lot...just a pint or so...Ha! Seriously, the drive is shaping up well, but we'd like to be really filled up, even go over our quota since some of the people(on average 20%) are actually turned down on-site when it's time to give, usually due to meds they're taking or low BP or anemia. So why not join in the fun, if you can't give maybe you could wrangle a spouse or friend or relative into it. It means so much to Bob and Deb. And even if you can't give, everyone is welcome to stop by on the 31st, just to say hello and share a bite to eat. I'm not sure if Bob will be able to hang out all day. I know at some point he'll need to rest, but right now we are thinking he'll be there at 11am when it starts and 5pm when the drive is ending up and the socializing beginning. And if anyone has an early appt to give, they're welcome to come back at 5pm also.
I'll post the details of Bons' address closer to the date.
Now, to fill you in on Bob. He's finished his 4th round and did well(did I ever mention I despise computers? I can't get the large print and the red ink to come out together.....aaarrrggghhh!), but was plagued with the head cold- sneezing symptoms again, which I'm beginning to think is an allergic reaction, and also had severe nausea this time around, in fact he even lost a meal or 2 which has never happened before...in fact I have never seen Bob get sick in the entire time I've known him. So he's looking like a skinny merink to me and I'll have to work on fattening him up. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just give him some of my excess??? Sigh! Bob's also due for another BMB on the 28th, and if that's down to the magic mark of 10% blasts he will most likely be hospitalized mid-April for the stem-cell transplant(another reason to try and make it on the 31st since he will be out of commission for many months after that.)

That's all for now, except I'd like to ask for your prayers for my Dad who is in the hospital w/ pneumonia, but expected to be d/c'd Thursday. And thank you for all of your support as always. We thank God every day for all of our family and friends.

All our love,

Mo and Bob

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Time Change

Just wanted to let you all know that appointments for the blood drive will be scheduled until 4:45pm, not 4:oo as I originally posted(which I corrected also). Hope to see many of you there. Have a good week.


P.S. to Ann M. Since you're being flexible, I'll see how the slots are filling up and get back to you if that's okay. If you change your mind and want a definite time, let me know.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Blood Drive

Hi everybody,

Just a quick post to let you all know that we're signing people up for the blood drive. The appointments will be every 15 minutes starting at 11am, so 11, 11:15, 11:30 etc. up till 4:45pm. We can fit up to 4 people in each time slot. You can call, blog or e-mail me. Our home phone is 215-855-9246 and e-mail address is mobobmaz@msn.com, and I will send them to Bonnie or you can phone her directly at 215-872-6861. But at first I think you should contact me so Bon is not inundated. Again, if you have any questions regarding eligibility, you can call 1-800-give-life or 215-451-4363 and a Red Cross rep will answer your questions.
The posters went up this week and they're at CMMC, the Montgomery Surgi-center(where I work, well occasionally anyway), Bobs' Tri-Valley office, the CCP office(cardiologists in Lansdale), and the Sandwich Mill in Kulpsville, and I wanted to thank all those establishments for allowing us to do that. The posters turned out great by the way. I also wanted to remind all the donors(especially the women) to try and beef up your iron intake the week before so you're not turned down b/c of anemia, so eat red meat, leafy green veggies, and raisins. It's also a good idea to drink a lot the day before to make sure you're well hydrated(and no I don't mean Cosmos or Jamesons)!!!

That's all for now on the blood drive. Bob's doing okay. He starts his 4th round of chemo Monday, so he'll be finished w/ that on 3/13, but counts should be back up by the 31st. We are really looking forward to seeing lots of friends and family at Bonnies, and I just can't thank her enough for bringing this altogether so beautifully. Oh and Debbie did have her gallbladder out on Wednesday and was able to have it by laparoscope, so if all the planets are aligned we should all be together on the 31st.

Our usual love and thanks to you all for the constant support and well wishes. Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

All our love,
Bob and Mo