Dr. Bobs Adventure

We've created this blog for several reasons. First is to keep family and friends(including Bobs' pts.)informed of Bobs' condition while he undergoes treatment for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia(AML) at HUP. You may also write to Bob by posting a comment, which I'll print for him to read. Please feel free to pass this blog site on to anyone you think may want to join us.Instructions to blog are listed under day 12, and bobs' address etc are under day 14. Click on April Archives to find both.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Directions to Bonnies

Hello again,

Well, after thinking about it, I decided it wasn't prudent to post directions to Bonnies house. I've sent out an e-mail to everyone that I signed up through e-mail, and it includes directions, phone numbers etc. So if anyone wants to come whose not signed up, just call or e-mail me, and I'll give you the info that way.
We've still got openings b/c the ARC is giving us an extra hour to fit everyone in, so we're actually going from 10:30a to 5:30p on Saturday. So if you want to bring along another donor with you, we're told they never turn anyone away, plus like I said before, some people will be turned down for various reasons, and their time will need to be filled.
Now, Bob had a tough biopsy today....during this procedure the dr. aspirates blood and bone spicules thru a syringe, but they also take a sliver of bone, called the core sample. Well, the dr. asked Bob if he's been eating a lot of dairy b/c he had a really hard time getting the core, and in fact never did get it, despite several tries......BIG OUCH! So we're hoping the blood and spicules will be enough for Dr. Luger to examine, and that Bob won't need to go thru that again. Otherwise he's been resting(w/ an ice pack on his fanny) since we got home and is in fact sleeping right now. He begins his 5th round of chemo on Monday and we're scheduled to see Dr. Luger on the 13th.....Friday the 13th, that is. I really didn't want that date when Bob made the appt., being my superstitious Irish self, but he just rolled his eyes at me. (Some things never change)

So requests going out for extra fervent prayers for a clean bone marrow, so we can get this guy in the hospital and get him some new stem cells. I'll write when we hear something, which I'm thinking won't be til next week.

Oh, and my Dads' pneumonia is better, but now he's on the rehab floor b/c he got so weak when he was in this past week. Don't expect him to be d/c'd til next week either. And a big thank you to my brother Tom who has been in Scranton for a week, as it just wasn't possible for me to get up there. It has been so frustrating trying to get a handle on things from down here.......but that's a whole other blog.

Well, that's all for now. Thank you to everyone(a million times) who are giving blood, and thanks as usual for all the love and support you share w/ Bob and I through this "adventure".

All our love,
Bob and Mo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry you had such a rough time of it with the bone marrow.. hoping that means good news though..and mo.. 13 is my irish's husband's favorite number...have a great turnout this weekend..i'll be thinking of all of you.. always knew that bonnies family were special people..thanks to you and mo for all the work you put into this..and again.. my prayers continue for you..mdf

March 29, 2007 2:20 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hi Mo-

Just checking in after having a great time at Bonnie and John's. I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work on the blood drive. It sounds like it was a smashing success! Bravo!

It was also great meeting Meg and seeing your other sweet niece, Katy (I think?). The last time I saw her was down at the shore and she was a little girl! And Meg, I am only sorry I didn't get to interro- er, talk with her. (I love to interro-er, talk with young people. hah!) See my comments over at Deb's for a fuller explanation.

I am keeping you and Bob in my thoughts and prayers, kiddo. Hey, let's you and me and Chiz try to do lunch sometime this spring. I've got FOD fever...

All my best - K

April 02, 2007 8:38 AM  

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