Hi all,
Just thought I'd write with a quick update. Bob is doing fine. He's been off oxygen since New Years' Eve, and all the tanks and concentrator are out of the house. He's having some back discomfort, which he relates to using different muscles to breathe now. It's mostly relieved with a heating pad. He's been d/c'd by PT and is working on his own to increase his stamina and strength. It's amazing how quickly one can become deconditioned. He's gained 4 pounds and his appetite is improving, but he needs reminders to eat throughout the day....I could just slap him for that!! Ha, just kidding...NOT!!! Seriously he's doing very well overall.
We hope you all are having a good start to your New Year. Enjoy the first snow of 2012...if in fact it comes at all. I'm adopting a wait and see policy. We have no weekend plans, short of seeing a movie, so I wouldn't mind being stuck inside for a day. Thanks as always for your continued love and prayers.
All our love,
Bob and Mo