Dr. Bobs Adventure

We've created this blog for several reasons. First is to keep family and friends(including Bobs' pts.)informed of Bobs' condition while he undergoes treatment for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia(AML) at HUP. You may also write to Bob by posting a comment, which I'll print for him to read. Please feel free to pass this blog site on to anyone you think may want to join us.Instructions to blog are listed under day 12, and bobs' address etc are under day 14. Click on April Archives to find both.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday 11/11/12

This was my update from yesterday 11/10/12

Well folks, I'm sitting in Bob's ICU room at Abington Lansdale and we finally know why he's had so much edema (from his toes to his waist) for the past month. He has constrictive pericarditis caused by his GVHD. In English the sac around the heart has become thickened and tight and will not allow the heart to contract and pump properly so the fluid backs up into the body. Bob had his usual checkup...
at HUP this week and his heme-onc. Dr. Luger knew right away what it most likely was. A cardiac MRI yesterday confirmed it, but before the treatment (mega steroids) could be started, Bob became sob and lightheaded andI called nine one one (the flippin numbers on my kindle won't work!!!!!) this am. So, he's getting stabilized here with oxygen and diuretics, and will be transferred to Hup for a cardiac cath on Monday. If the pericarditis is as severe as they believe it to be, Bob will have a pericardectomy/pericardial stripping on Tuesday. I am now praying that this can be done somehow with a scope and he won't need his "chest cracked open ".....a phrase that, even after thirty-three years as a nurse, still makes me shiver! So of course asking for all your prayers again too. After all we've been thru this so very hard to take. And this man o' mine is some warrior, but I think the nearly two hours laying flat for the MRI just caught up with him. Well that's enuf for now. He's sleeping and I will be leaving soon. Last night was a long night and of course this has been a long day. Thank you in advance for storming the heavens with this one.
Will try and update daily from here.
All our love,
Bob and Mo


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